انسانی شخصیت کے عناصر ترکیبی اور تعمیر شخصیت میں ان کا کردار

Composite Elements of the Human Personality and Their Role in Personality Development


  • Abdul Jabbar Bilal Ph.D Scholar
  • Prof. Dr. Muhiyudin Hashmi Dean Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, AIOU Islamabad


This article is about the part/elements of human personality, it refers to those elements from which a person's mood and character are formed, and on the basis of these elements, good or bad characteristics are created in a person. In the case of bad characteristics, the reformation, development & improvement of the human personality is also done by keeping these elements in front. In this research article, there are details of the various stages of human creation, which are related to the human body, and the compositional elements of human personality, which are related to his character and personality, and the impact of these stages on the human personality. The condition has been mentioned. The details of both are related to character and personality and the influence of these stages on human personality has been mentioned.

Also, the facts and actions of the elements of the human personality, soul, nafs, heart and intellect have been described, and then the state of these four elements becoming a part of the human personality and the process of creating personality traits or destroying personality through them, the causes. And the relationship between personality reform and improvement has been described.




How to Cite

Abdul Jabbar Bilal, and Prof. Dr. Muhiyudin Hashmi. 2023. “انسانی شخصیت کے عناصر ترکیبی اور تعمیر شخصیت میں ان کا کردار: Composite Elements of the Human Personality and Their Role in Personality Development”. Al Manhal Research Journal 3 (2). https://almanhal.org.pk/ojs3303/index.php/journal/article/view/87.