خطاب الكراهية أزمة عالمية (دراسة وصفية تحليلية من منظور إسلامي)

Combating hate speech from an Islamic perspective (A descriptive analytical study)


  • Dr. Souaad Muhammad Abbas Assistant Professor Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies AIOU Islamabad


Hate speech, Freedom of expression, Maqasid-al-Shariah, Interfaith dialogue


The stigma of hate speech is one of the global issues of the present era and is a major threat to peaceful coexistence.  It is a discourse that sows hatred between religions, and creates dissonance among different cultures and nations alike. It doest not only form the most common causes that create strife in societies but it is injustice in it's all forms. The negative use of social media has also added fuel in fire and exacerbated the use of bad language such as insults, cursing, intolerance and racism which leads to the destruction of society and shakes peace in general.  Since Islam is a religion of peace and humanity it emphasizes on the stability and strength of societies and protects them from the temptations that harm them, it has morals, ethics and instructions that eliminate this discourse in its cradle, so it does not extend and does not apply in society. Keeping in view the mere responsibility of being a Muslim in restoring Maqasid-al- Shariah(objectives of Shariah) this study aims at the first place to define what hate speech is  presenting an elaboration from an Islamic perspective as lack of clear definition encourages actions that are offensive and disguised under the umbrella of freedom of expression. Secondly this study moves to discuss the major forms of hate speech and the main factors that lead to incitement of hatred and intolerance in the society. The research would be concluded by discussing the role of society in general and Muslim Ummah in particular in combating hate speech to restore peace in their respective societies and make it a better place to live.




How to Cite

Dr. Souaad Muhammad Abbas. 2023. “خطاب الكراهية أزمة عالمية (دراسة وصفية تحليلية من منظور إسلامي): Combating Hate Speech from an Islamic Perspective (A Descriptive Analytical Study)”. Al Manhal Research Journal 3 (1). https://almanhal.org.pk/ojs3303/index.php/journal/article/view/44.