مفهوم الانزياح في الفكر العربي

The concept of Al Inziyah ( Deviation) in Arabic Thought


  • Muhammad Waqar Ahmed Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
  • Muhammad Saleem National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad


Al Inziyah is a rhetoric device that is a shifting  and deviation  of word form the norm or what is required by the apparent , or it is departing from the standard for a purpose intended by the speaker and it may be unintended from it, but in both cases the text serves in one form to  another . It is basically method of shifting from linguistic rule.Many writers  have regarded Deviation or Al Inziyah as the essence of creativity, and that is why we find it accessible in many areas or  fields. We hardly find a book in literature, rhetoric, or grammar, but it has been touched on, so  Al Inziyah (displacement or deviation ) is therefore a very broad concept that must be addressed. This article illustrates  various concept of Al Inziyah or Deviation in different fields.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Waqar Ahmed, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

Research Scholar, MS Shariah AIOU, Islamabad

Muhammad Saleem, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad

 PhD Scholar, Arabic Department NUML Islamabad




How to Cite

Muhammad Waqar Ahmed, waqarahmed, and msaleem Muhammad Saleem. 2021. “مفهوم الانزياح في الفكر العربي: The Concept of Al Inziyah ( Deviation) in Arabic Thought”. Al Manhal Research Journal 1 (1):75-90. https://almanhal.org.pk/ojs3303/index.php/journal/article/view/4.


