برصغیر کی منتخب صوفیانہ تفاسیر کا اسلوب و منہج

Method and style of the selected mystic interpretations of the subcontinent


  • Hafiz Abdul Rauf PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Dr. Muhammad Imran Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur


purification of self, subcontinent, sufism, history, idol worship


When the Qur'an was revealed, the world was lost in the darkness of polytheism, disbelief, and idolatry. The man was suffering from selfishness and oppression. In a time of turmoil, uncertainty, corruption, and whispers, Allah Almighty sent the holy prophet (PBUH), whose duties included teaching and purifying the message of his messenger so that he could attain nearness to his Lord who is the First, the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden One. ۔ When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) started performing this duty, the addressees whose moral status is preserved in the history books have reached this high position which is their specialty and distinction after the Prophets (PBUH) in the human race. And the emphasis on civilization is found in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Quran Says, “Indeed, the one who purifies his self has succeeded. In Hadith and Sunah, it is called Ihsan. The art of commentary originated under the influence of Sufism, so the first commentary written here was written for this pure purpose. Hazrat Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlavi's important and renewed achievement is that for the first time he raised his voice against the stagnation of Islamic sciences and arts. Later, innovative works were carried out in the art of tafsir in the subcontinent and a special distinction was achieved in the art of tafsir of the subcontinent.




How to Cite

Hafiz Abdul Rauf, and Dr. Muhammad Imran. 2022. “برصغیر کی منتخب صوفیانہ تفاسیر کا اسلوب و منہج: Method and Style of the Selected Mystic Interpretations of the Subcontinent”. Al Manhal Research Journal 2 (2). https://almanhal.org.pk/ojs3303/index.php/journal/article/view/24.