قرآن کریم کی سورتوں اورآیات میں ربط ومناسبت کی اقسام وانواع کا تحقیقی جائزہ

The classification of relativity in surahs And verses of the Holy Quran


  • Dr. Muhammad Khurram Lecturer of Islamic studies, University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
  • Akhlaq Ahmed PhD Scholar Islamic studies, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
  • Muhammad Zakir Khan AT GMS Jaghori Mansehra


inter-connections, Quranic verses, surah, internal, external


As per findings of the scholars, there are various inter-connections among Quranic verses. The most important among these are internal and external. The aim is to show the links of one surah with the other or within one surah. The internal link shows the connection within a single surah and it further entails the link at the start and end of surah or with the title of surah. While on the other hand, the external link means the link of one surah with the previous one, their themes and the endings of both surahs.




How to Cite

Dr. Muhammad Khurram, Akhlaq Ahmed, and Muhammad Zakir Khan. 2024. “قرآن کریم کی سورتوں اورآیات میں ربط ومناسبت کی اقسام وانواع کا تحقیقی جائزہ: The Classification of Relativity in Surahs And Verses of the Holy Quran”. Al Manhal Research Journal 4 (2). https://almanhal.org.pk/ojs3303/index.php/journal/article/view/164.


