الحياة السياسيـة فـي القرن السابع الهجري في الأندلس

The political life in the 7th century A.H in Andalus


  • Dr. Salma Shahida Assistant Professor, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan Postdoctoral Fellow


Andalusia had reached its political climax at the end of the 6th century AH under the Almowahads rule. A battle occurred in the Ark between the mowahads and the castile king army in which the victory was on the mowahad's side. After a time, a battle took place in Oqaab in which the mowahads lost the battle, so the borders got shrunk and a number of such factors as well affected the state of mowahads. As the time flew, the state got weakend till the appearance of Ibn Hood who claimed he wants to free the Andalusia from both Al-moqahads and the Christians,he ruled the people and occupied some cities, afterwards he died in such a mysterious conditions mean while the enemies occupied almost all of the cities except Gharnatah.

The kingdom consists of 3 major cities, which was ruled by Bani-Al-Ahmar، the people considered them the saviors of the traditions of Andalusia. To the historian, this era has gone through many tribulations. After sometime, Ibn Al-Ahmar gave up on many cities but kept establishing the relations in his state. Then, his successor kept defending his state with some help until some battles took place and they lost once again almost all cities except Gharnatah. The state of Islam in Andalus, during the Almowahads era, enjoyed safety and tranquility they were free in their way of thinking, so the Intellectual movement grow up more and more in that time through the works of many of its scholars and thinkers. In the kingdom of Gharnatah, kings of the people used to have such a literary talents as in this era the heddle of writers, poets and scholars were present.

In the seventh century AH, the literary criticism movement was in progress while the sciences did not grow up again.




How to Cite

Dr. Salma Shahida. 2024. “الحياة السياسيـة فـي القرن السابع الهجري في الأندلس: The Political Life in the 7th Century A.H in Andalus”. Al Manhal Research Journal 4 (2). https://almanhal.org.pk/ojs3303/index.php/journal/article/view/149.


